Recovering From A Loss: You Have Two Choices

By Dr. Howard Gauthier

Football season has finally arrived! With it brings the smell of barbecue, the over-flowing of libations, pep bands arousing university faithful, the thunder of jets buzzing the stadium, and friends swapping embellished stories that grow with each passing year. This was the scene at many stadiums this past weekend as another season of college football kicked off. As fun as these pre-game activities were, excitement and hope soon turned to frustration and anger on a few campuses. Kansas, Washington State and Wyoming were embarrassed by losing to lower level FCS teams, Penn State lost to Temple for the first time in 74 years, and Nebraska lost their home opener on a last second Hail Mary into the end zone.
Whether you’re a football team that suffered a setback this weekend, or an individual who is faced with challenges in your life, such as an illness or a loss of a job, you have two choices – to adopt a positive mindset and strive to improve your situation or have a negative attitude, feel sorry for yourself, and accept defeat . . . (More)


Howard Gauthier is an Associate Professor in the Sports Science Department at Idaho State University. His research interests include topics in positive leadership, success, and career development in sports. His books include Getting Hired in College Sports and Execute for Success. Look for his new book, The Positive Leader, which will be available in Fall 2015.


Success Happens To Those Who Are Determined To Win!

book Image

Execute for Success shows you how to properly and effectively execute your activities so you, your team, and your organization can achieve success.  This book reveals eight elements that are necessary for the execution process.  These elements are supported through stories and scientific research from medicine, psychology, aerospace, the sports world and the business world.  Buckle your seat belt and take this fascinating ride as you learn the principles that lead to effective execution.

Only $19.99
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What Others Are Saying About the Book “Execute for Success”

“In Execute for Success, Howard conveys with clarity and precision how anybody can become the best at what they do. Though his model is simple, it is also profound, and I’m convinced that anybody who follows it diligently will more readily reach their full potential. Howard also demonstrates the difference between theory and practice. You cannot articulate a model with such clarity unless you practice it yourself. Howard walks the walk.”

— Jim Nieters,
Senior Director,


The Power of Positivity

By Dr. Howard Gauthier

A big beautiful smile greets you as you enter a local business. The employees are up beat and very customer-service oriented. They want to make sure that you have a good experience while shopping at their store. Good business? You bet! Chances are you’ll come back.

However, the reason for having a positive outlook on life is so much greater than just wanting to increase sales or win more games. As a coach, business leader, or just an ordinary person, being positive pays big dividends. The research is clear; optimism has a positive effect on your health, your work, and even your life.

Whether we recognize it or not, negative experiences have a greater impact on us than positive interactions. Researchers have found that negativity is more than twice as powerful as positivity, and in order to be in a positive state, you need at least three positive experiences for every negative interaction. But being too positive can also be detrimental. These same researchers estimate that a positive to negative ratio of 13:1 or greater indicates that you aren’t taking problems and issues as seriously as you should. In other words, at this level of positivity, you are just sticking your head in the sand.

Being positive and optimistic means attacking problems, and negative interactions, with a positive mindset. And the benefits that are derived from this positive mindset are powerful. Below are some of the findings on positivity as it relates to your health, your work, and your life.

Your Health – More and more research is showing that when you have a positive outlook on life, you reduce your stress level, improve your immune system, prevent chronic disease, and you are more likely to recover from disease. In fact, the Mayo Clinic continues by stating that health benefits from positive thinking may also include living a longer life, lowering rates of depression, reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, and having better coping skills during stressful times.

Your Work – In your work life, positive interactions are linked to improved performance, increased productivity, enhanced customer service and increased profits. This is huge when you are trying to improve the profits of the company or the success of your team. The research shows that in a positive environment, players and employees are inspired to work hard, they tend to care more about the quality of their work, and this in turn helps the team or business to become more successful.

Your Life – An abundance of research has shown that a positive and optimistic disposition can lead a person to more happiness in life. When you are happy, you tend to receive more social support, you are less stressed, you are less depressed, and you are more likely to have positive self-esteem. Conversely, negativity narrows your focus and can lead to feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and depression.

How To Become More Positive – So the research is clear, a person who is positive has better health, is more successful in their career, and is happier in life. But how do you become a more positive person? Researchers hypothesize that about 50% of our disposition comes from genetics. Another 10% is determined by our circumstances and life events. This leaves approximately 40% of our disposition as being within our control. And science has shown that we can learn to be more positive and optimistic in life. The key is to change the way we think about things and how we interact with others.

Everyone has negative thoughts. Some people have them more often than others, but the key is how we react to these cognitions. When irrational negative thoughts creep into your consciousness, you need to first dispute these beliefs. Pessimists tend to ruminate about these issues and problems, thinking that these situations will negatively affect their lives. Conversely, optimists will dispute these thoughts and will believe that these issues are temporary.   Optimists tend to reframe their thoughts in a positive manner, convincing themselves (positive self talk) that they have control over the outcome of the situation. Optimists are also very conscience about treating people with respect. They try to be nice to people and are grateful for the little things in life.

Yes it’s true that positivity can bring customers back to your business and can increase sales. It can also help you to win more games as a coach. But as a coach or business leader, you need to understand that positivity can benefit yourself and your people in so many ways. It’s more than just winning games. It’s about winning in life. As such, you have the power to do so much good in this world. Take the first step by creating a work environment that is positive and where employees and players can thrive and flourish. Positivity is powerful!


Howard Gauthier is an Associate Professor in the Sports Science Department at Idaho State University. His research interests include topics in positive leadership, success, and career development in sports. His books include Getting Hired in College Sports and Execute for Success. Look for his new book, The Positive Leader, which will be available in Fall 2015.


Success Happens To Those Who Are Determined To Win!

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Execute for Success shows you how to properly and effectively execute your activities so you, your team, and your organization can achieve success.  This book reveals eight elements that are necessary for the execution process.  These elements are supported through stories and scientific research from medicine, psychology, aerospace, the sports world and the business world.  Buckle your seat belt and take this fascinating ride as you learn the principles that lead to effective execution.

Only $19.99
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What Others Are Saying About the Book “Execute for Success”

“In Execute for Success, Howard conveys with clarity and precision how anybody can become the best at what they do. Though his model is simple, it is also profound, and I’m convinced that anybody who follows it diligently will more readily reach their full potential. Howard also demonstrates the difference between theory and practice. You cannot articulate a model with such clarity unless you practice it yourself. Howard walks the walk.”

— Jim Nieters,
Senior Director,


The Super Bowl Reminds Us To Use Our Strengths

By Dr. Howard Gauthier

It’s been a month since the 2015 Super Bowl. Now that the dust has settled a bit, what are your thoughts about the Seahawk’s final play on 2nd and goal? To recap the situation, the Patriot’s scored a touchdown with about 2 minutes remaining in the game to take a 28-24 lead. The Seahawk’s battled back, made some tremendous plays, and set up the Hawks for a second straight Super Bowl victory. On 1st and goal from five yards out, Marshawn Lynch plowed his way to the one-yard line. Lynch is arguably the best power running back in the NFL.

It was now 2nd and goal from the one with 26 seconds remaining. The Seahawks also had one timeout remaining. Nearly everyone in the stadium, and watching on television, knew that Lynch’s number would be called for the go-ahead touchdown. But it wasn’t. Instead, the Seahawks called a slant pass to the right side. The play was recognized by the defense and the pass was intercepted – game over.

Mark Maske of the Washington Post called the play the worst play call in the history of the Super Bowl. But what makes this play such a bad call? Pete Carroll is known for his creativity, strategy, and motivation. His players love to play for him and he does nothing but win. But in this case, he may have over-strategized. In theory, it could have been a great play call, especially if it had worked. Instead, Maske is probably right. Put the ball into the hands of the NFL’s best power running back and let him plow his way into the end zone.

Positive leaders focus on utilizing the strengths of their people and the strengths of their team. I consider Pete Carroll a positive leader. He always believes his team has a chance to win. His communication style is upbeat and positive, and he has strong relationships with his players. However in the recent Super Bowl, on the Seahawks last play from scrimmage, the Seahawks appeared to be more engaged in a chess match of sorts, instead of using their strengths. They seemed more focused on finessing their way into the end zone instead of smash mouthing their way in from the 1-yard line.

What are your strengths and the strengths of your team? Do you have your best employees assigned to the projects with the greatest upside potential? Are you using your strengths to be the best you can be? Football, like business and life, needs a lot of vision and strategy in order to achieve success. But when the game is on the line, you need to use your strengths in order to win. In other words, put your best sales person on your biggest account. Get the ball into the hands of your best shooter for the game winning shot. And when you have the best power running back in the league, let him smash his way into the end zone.   The 2015 Super Bowl is a reminder that we need to utilize our strengths in order to be successful.


Howard Gauthier is an Associate Professor of Athletic Administration at Idaho State University.  He is a former collegiate athletic director and collegiate basketball coach.  He is an author, speaker, and professor.  Check out his book, Execute for Success, at


Eight Elements For Achieving Success

book Image

Execute for Success shows you how to properly and effectively execute your activities so you, your team, and your organization can achieve success.  This book reveals eight elements that are necessary for the execution process.  These elements are supported through stories and scientific research from medicine, psychology, aerospace, the sports world and the business world.  Buckle your seat belt and take this fascinating ride as you learn the principles that lead to effective execution.

Only $19.99
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What Others Are Saying About the Book “Execute for Success”

“In Execute for Success, Howard conveys with clarity and precision how anybody can become the best at what they do. Though his model is simple, it is also profound, and I’m convinced that anybody who follows it diligently will more readily reach their full potential. Howard also demonstrates the difference between theory and practice. You cannot articulate a model with such clarity unless you practice it yourself. Howard walks the walk.”

— Jim Nieters,
Senior Director,


Building A Positive Team

By Dr. Howard Gauthier

The research is clear, teams and organizations that are led by positive leaders achieve at higher levels. Positive leadership is a relatively new approach to how leaders should lead their team or group. All too often we hear horror stories of coaches berating their teams, or managers belittling their employees. While you need to be concerned with employees performing their tasks, and performing them correctly, you also need to be concerned with the eventual outcome – a winning season, a productive workforce, or a profitable year.

Positive leadership isn’t a Pollyanna attitude where everything is great, and you ignore reality, quite the opposite. Positive leadership is creating a positive environment yet still confronting the brutal facts of your situation. Being a positive leader is hard work. It takes great effort, strategy, and intention to create positive interactions within the workforce. It doesn’t matter if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, as a positive leader you can’t come to work in a bad mood. It’s your responsibility to build a positive organization.

But why should you place so much attention on positivity and positive leadership? It’s because positivity works. Sure, you can settle for average or mediocre, or you can strive to be the best – it’s your choice. In a meta-analysis on happiness leading to success, Lyubomirsky, King and Diener (2008) showed that happy people are more successful in their work performance than less happy people. This includes the quality of their work, the level of their productivity, and their dependability.

To build a successful organization, a positive leader must focus on four elements. They must be concerned with identifying and communicating a positive purpose, creating a positive organizational climate, building positive relationships, and engaging in positive communications. All four of these elements must be in sync with one another in order to create a positive organization.  Without positive communication a positive relationship is hard to build. Without positive relationships a positive climate is difficult to construct. But together, these four elements create a type of synergy that feeds off itself and creates a high achieving and successful team. These four elements include:

Positive Purpose – When a person believes in a purpose, or cause, that is bigger and more meaningful than themselves, they tend to work harder and care more about the outcomes. Therefore, you need to ask yourself, what is the purpose of your organization?  Why does it exist? You need to identify this “greater purpose” and effectively communicate it to your staff so they “buy in” and have a driving purpose in their work life.

Positive Organizational Climate – Organizational climate is the environment that the employees experience within the team or organization. It is your responsibility as a positive leader to create an environment that is positive and where the team members enjoy coming to work.

Positive Relationships – Positive relationships are built through engaging in positive communication and by caring about your employees. Research has shown that a ratio of 3:1 positive interactions to negative interactions is the ratio that is necessary for building a positive relationship. Anything less than this ratio either creates a neutral relationship or a negative relationship. However, a positive ratio of 13:1 creates a situation where the team members can’t completely trust what the leader says. You need to focus on creating a positive ratio of interactions while still dealing with the issues that face the organization.

Positive Communications – Positive communications are affirmative and supportive statements. They should be worded in a positive manner and should replace any negative or judgmental-type comments. As a positive leader you need to understand how to address negative situations in a positive manner.  Again, focus on a 3:1 ratio of positive to negative interactions.

As you can see from the four elements above, being a positive leader takes a lot of time, energy, and effort. You need to be authentic in how you communicate and phrase feedback. You also need to be very intentional in attempting to create positive relationships with your staff, and in creating a positive organizational climate. These four elements work together to build a positive and successful team.


Howard Gauthier is an Associate Professor of Athletic Administration at Idaho State University.  He is a former collegiate athletic director and collegiate basketball coach.  He is an author, speaker, and professor.  Check out his book, Execute for Success, at


Eight Elements For Successful Execution

book Image

Execute for Success shows you how to properly and effectively execute your activities so you, your team, and your organization can achieve success.  This book reveals eight elements that are necessary for the execution process.  These elements are supported through stories and scientific research from medicine, psychology, aerospace, the sports world and the business world.  Buckle your seat belt and take this fascinating ride as you learn the principles that lead to effective execution.

Only $19.99
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What Others Are Saying About the Book “Execute for Success”

“In Execute for Success, Howard conveys with clarity and precision how anybody can become the best at what they do. Though his model is simple, it is also profound, and I’m convinced that anybody who follows it diligently will more readily reach their full potential. Howard also demonstrates the difference between theory and practice. You cannot articulate a model with such clarity unless you practice it yourself. Howard walks the walk.”

— Jim Nieters,
Senior Director,


Are You Willing To Run Through a Brick Wall?

By Dr. Howard Gauthier

How bad do you want it? Are you willing to run through a brick wall for it?

These are the questions that many coaches ask their players as they challenge them to improve. This is also what former president, Harry S. Truman knew was one of the keys to success when he stated, “America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.” Former basketball coaching icon Jim Valvano also believed in the power of determination when he stated “Don’t Give Up . . . Don’t Ever Give Up.”

Being determined to achieve your goal, or accomplish your objective, is one of the keys to effective execution. Determination is having the unwavering resolve to accomplish your goals and objectives. Most successful people, have at one time or another, had to overcome roadblocks in order to succeed. A few examples include:

  • Michael Jordan being cut from his 9th grade basketball team,
  • Walt Disney being fired from a job at a newspaper because he lacked imagination,
  • Henry Ford going broke five times,
  • R. H. Macy failing in business seven times before his department store in New York finally succeeded, and
  • Thomas Edison failing dozens of times prior to improving upon the light bulb, and inventing the motion camera.

What is it about these people that make them so driven for success? Why are they so determined? The Self-Determination Theory can explain much of this. The Self-Determination Theory is a theory of human motivation and personality. It suggests that there are two types of motivation, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

You are intrinsically motivated when you are involved in an activity because you enjoy the activity, or you find it interesting. You tend to make decisions for the sake of the activity or the task itself, and you work hard to get better. Whereas, when you are extrinsically motivated you make decisions about the activity because of influences from external sources. These external sources can include seeking the praise from a coach or supervisor, receiving rewards such as money or a promotion, or can even include seeking the freedom from punishment. But these external sources tend to be fleeting, and leaving you either wanting more (praise and rewards) or wanting to escape your situation (punishment).

One of the main elements that differentiates intrinsic motivation from extrinsic motivation is how vested you are with regard to decision-making and the corresponding actions you take. If you are involved in a particular activity, because you truly want to be, you will work harder and longer because you love what you’re doing. You are being intrinsically motivated. You are acting in a manner because you have the autonomy to choose that behavior. Michael Jordan loved basketball and he worked hard to improve, R. H. Macy truly wanted to build a successful company, and Thomas Edison loved to create new inventions.

Researchers have found that when people are intrinsically motivated, they tend to perform better. This includes students learning better and feeling more confident, athletes being more persistent towards achieving their goals, and employees performing better in the workplace. Therefore, students will perform better when they are studying a subject they are passionate about. Athletes will perform better when they participate in an activity because they choose to participate (not because their parents want them to). And employees perform better when they are working on projects they value.

So what activities are you truly passionate about? What activities intrinsically move you? Select these activities and it will be so much easier to get over any obstacles that get in your way. People don’t give up on something that truly means something to them. They become determined to get over or around any roadblocks so they can achieve success.

So I ask you – “how bad do you want it?” “Are you willing to run through a brick wall to achieve it (figuratively speaking)?”

* * * * * *

To read an article about incredible determination, see the article in the right column of this newsletter or click here.


Howard Gauthier is an Associate Professor of Athletic Administration at Idaho State University.  He is a former collegiate athletic director and collegiate basketball coach.  He is an author, speaker, and professor.  Check out his book, Execute for Success, at


Success Happens To Those Who Are Determined To Win!

book Image

Execute for Success shows you how to properly and effectively execute your activities so you, your team, and your organization can achieve success.  This book reveals eight elements that are necessary for the execution process.  These elements are supported through stories and scientific research from medicine, psychology, aerospace, the sports world and the business world.  Buckle your seat belt and take this fascinating ride as you learn the principles that lead to effective execution.

Only $19.99
Click Here to Purchase


What Others Are Saying About the Book “Execute for Success”

“In Execute for Success, Howard conveys with clarity and precision how anybody can become the best at what they do. Though his model is simple, it is also profound, and I’m convinced that anybody who follows it diligently will more readily reach their full potential. Howard also demonstrates the difference between theory and practice. You cannot articulate a model with such clarity unless you practice it yourself. Howard walks the walk.”

— Jim Nieters,
Senior Director,


Having An Attitude of Success

By Dr. Howard Gauthier

Many people consider Irving Berlin as one of the greatest songwriters in American history. He wrote songs such as “White Christmas”, “God Bless America” and many more. In all, it is estimated that Berlin wrote approximately 1,500 songs in his lifetime. His songs reached #1 on the charts 25 times, were nominated for eight Academy Awards, and 19 were scores in Broadway musicals.

But life wasn’t always easy for Berlin. He was born in Russia, and at the age of five his family immigrated to the United States. Settling in New York City, his family lived in poverty on the Lower East Side. His mother, father, and all eight children had to work to help make ends meet. To help support the family, Berlin quit school and began to work hawking newspapers. Life became even more difficult when his father died when Berlin was only 13 years old. A year later, to help ease the burden on his family, at the age of 14, Berlin left home. He lived in a flophouse, and became a singer in saloons for tips. As difficult as this was, this was the beginning of an outstanding musical career. But how did Berlin survive the streets to become a famous composer? Years later, he reflected on his struggles and shared that “Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.”

Stories of overcoming struggles such as these are seen in many successful people. Michael Jordan bounced back after being cut from his 9th grade basketball team. R. C. Macy failed in business seven times before he made it big with Macy’s department store. And Walt Disney was fired as a newspaper editor because he lacked creativity. The list goes on and on. In nearly every case, these people had attitudes that promoted success.

Through my research on the book “Execute for Success” six broad elements surfaced that were correlated with successful people. These six elements are:

  • Being passionate for your endeavors
  • Establishing challenging, yet achievable goals
  • Being determined to achieve your goals
  • Knowing and performing the basic fundamental skills of your activity
  • Having the discipline to always perform the fundamental skills correctly
  • Adjusting to change

These six elements are associated with successful people. In a nutshell you need to understand what you want, how you are going to get there, work hard to achieve your goal, be persistent and don’t let roadblocks stop you, maintain your focus as distractions arise, and be quick to adjust to change. Once you adapt to a changing environment, you will want to re-adjust your goals and begin these steps again. Irving Berlin, Michael Jordan and the others were competitive people. They knew what they wanted and they didn’t let distractions or obstacles get in their way.

So what endeavors do you want to accomplish?  What are your goals?  Set high standards for yourself, create action steps to help you achieve your goals, and continue to persist.  By following these steps, you will have an attitude of success!


Remember, ultimately the success of your activity comes down to two elements – having an attitude of success and properly executing your activity.  In all you do, you will want to EXECUTE FOR SUCCESS! 


Howard Gauthier is an Associate Professor of Athletic Administration at Idaho State University.  He is a former collegiate athletic director and collegiate basketball coach.  He is an author, speaker, and professor.  Check out his book, Execute for Success, at


Success Happens To Those Who Have The Proper Attitude

book Image

Execute for Success shows you how to properly and effectively execute your activities so you, your team, and your organization can achieve success.  This book reveals eight elements that are necessary for the execution process.  These elements are supported through stories and scientific research from medicine, psychology, aerospace, the sports world and the business world.  Buckle your seat belt and take this fascinating ride as you learn the principles that lead to effective execution.

Only $19.99
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What Others Are Saying About the Book “Execute for Success”

“In Execute for Success, Howard conveys with clarity and precision how anybody can become the best at what they do. Though his model is simple, it is also profound, and I’m convinced that anybody who follows it diligently will more readily reach their full potential. Howard also demonstrates the difference between theory and practice. You cannot articulate a model with such clarity unless you practice it yourself. Howard walks the walk.”

— Jim Nieters,
Senior Director,


Engagement Enhances Your Passion

By Dr. Howard Gauthier

Being passionate for what you do is one of the keys to proper and effective execution. Author and minister T. D. Jakes sums it up best when he said, “it is your passion that empowers you to be able to do that thing you were created to do.”  Donald Trump furthers this when he said, “Without passion you don’t have energy, without energy you have nothing.”

Passion is having a strong enthusiasm or affection toward an activity. When you are excited and passionate for something, you tend to work harder, practice more, take great pride in the quality of your work, and see projects through to fruition. This is supported by scientific research that shows that passion is a strong predictor of deliberate practice, which in turn leads to high levels of performance.

So as you are recruiting players or hiring employees you need to make sure they are passionate for the work to be done, the activities they’re participating in, and the organization they’ll be representing. But not everyone is intrinsically motivated and passionate for his or her role. If this is the case for some of your players or employees, how do you help them to find passion in what they do?

Experts suggest that passion is an outgrowth of engagement, which is an increased emotional connection to your job or activity. More specifically, researchers suggest that job passion is an attitude that comprises both the thoughts and feelings you have for your job. It’s this connection between your activity, and your thoughts and feelings, that lead you to become more passionate for your pursuits and endeavors. Therefore, if you want to increase the passion within your employees, you need to positively engage them in the organization. Empower them with responsibilities and authority.   Responsibilities give them the desire for emotional connection and authority provides a means to connect and engage.

To make a long story short, if you want your staff to become more passionate for the organization and their role in the company, engage them in the process.

Remember, ultimately the success of your activity comes down to proper execution. In all you do, you will want to EXECUTE FOR SUCCESS! 


Howard Gauthier is an Associate Professor of Athletic Administration at Idaho State University.  He is a former collegiate athletic director and collegiate basketball coach.  Check out his book, Execute for Success, at


Passion Leads To Proper Execution

book Image

Execute for Success shows you how to properly and effectively execute your activities so you, your team, and your organization can achieve success.  This book reveals eight elements that are necessary for the execution process.  These elements are supported through stories and scientific research from medicine, psychology, aerospace, the sports world and the business world.  Buckle your seat belt and take this fascinating ride as you learn the principles that lead to effective execution.

Only $19.99
Click Here to Purchase


What Others Are Saying About the Book “Execute for Success”

“In Execute for Success, Howard conveys with clarity and precision how anybody can become the best at what they do. Though his model is simple, it is also profound, and I’m convinced that anybody who follows it diligently will more readily reach their full potential. Howard also demonstrates the difference between theory and practice. You cannot articulate a model with such clarity unless you practice it yourself. Howard walks the walk.”

— Jim Nieters,
Senior Director,


Whether You Think You Can or Think You Can’t, You’re Right

By Dr. Howard Gauthier

When I was a child my mother would read bedtimes stories to me as I crawled into bed for the night. When asked which book I’d like to read, the majority of the time it was “The Little Engine That Could.” It was a great book because it had an inspiring message and illustrations that allowed me to easily follow along.

I can remember it now. A train broke down and was stranded as it was trying to transport food and toys for the good little boys and girls on the other side of the mountain. In a desperate attempt to flag down another engine to help pull them over the mountain, three engines stormed by and refused to help. But finally a little blue engine stopped to help. This engine was small and it would be extremely challenged to help pull the stranded train over the steep mountain pass. But the little engine decided to give it a try. Slowly, the engine and train began to make its way up the mountainside. As the engine was struggling to pull the train, it began positive self-talk saying “I think I can, I think I can.” Sure enough the train made it over the mountain and saved the day for the kids.

This story illustrates the power your thoughts have in everyday life. It also aligns with the thoughts of automaker Henry Ford when he once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” Researchers have shown that Henry Ford was correct. When you focus on negative thoughts, most of the time you really can’t do it. This is because of the way the brain is programmed. Negative thoughts send the brain into survival mode, and fear begins to limit your creativity, impair your vision for the future, and stymie your problem solving abilities. This in turn makes it difficult for you to succeed and makes it more likely that you will ultimately fail.

Conversely, when you believe you can accomplish your goals, you are much more likely to achieve it if your goals are realistic and achievable. Researchers have shown that optimism and hope are powerful emotions that are linked to achievement and success. Organizational Psychologist, Sarah Lewis, recently shared in an interview with CNN that when people are positive they become engaged, resilient, and more productive. These thoughts are consistent with research findings that author Steve Gladis shared in his book “Positive Leadership”. Gladis highlighted the findings of a recent study that showed that “happy employees are 31% more productive, produce 37% more in sales, and are 300% more creative than their unhappy colleagues.” These are staggering numbers that can make the difference in a corporation being profitable or not, or a basketball team making the post-season tournament.

So how do you view the challenges that you face in life? Do you and your team believe that you can win the big game? Do you and your sales staff believe that you can “land” that big sponsorship? If you think you can, you are much more likely to find a way to achieve your objectives. As Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”

Remember, ultimately the success of your activity comes down to proper execution. In all you do, you will want to EXECUTE FOR SUCCESS! 


Howard Gauthier is an Associate Professor of Athletic Administration at Idaho State University.  He is a former collegiate athletic director and collegiate basketball coach.  Check out his book, Execute for Success, at


Strategies For Proper Execution

book Image

Execute for Success shows you how to properly and effectively execute your activities so you, your team, and your organization can achieve success.  This book reveals eight elements that are necessary for the execution process.  These elements are supported through stories and scientific research from medicine, psychology, aerospace, the sports world and the business world.  Buckle your seat belt and take this fascinating ride as you learn the principles that lead to effective execution.

Only $19.99
Click Here to Purchase


What Others Are Saying About the Book “Execute for Success”

“In Execute for Success, Howard conveys with clarity and precision how anybody can become the best at what they do. Though his model is simple, it is also profound, and I’m convinced that anybody who follows it diligently will more readily reach their full potential. Howard also demonstrates the difference between theory and practice. You cannot articulate a model with such clarity unless you practice it yourself. Howard walks the walk.”

— Jim Nieters,
Senior Director,


While Skills Are Important, So Is Your Focus

By Dr. Howard Gauthier

I can see it now, you’re coaching a big college basketball game on national television in front of millions of fans and one of your players is at the free throw line with two seconds to go in the game. If he makes both free throws your team wins, if he misses both shots you lose. What’s he thinking at this moment? What’s he focused on? Do negative thoughts such as “don’t miss this” dominate his thoughts, or maybe even “I’ll be the hero if I make these.” The moment, the anxiety, the crowd noise, and the self-talk are deafening.

It doesn’t have to be a college basketball game. It could be you presenting an important sales proposal to a major client, providing a speech at a luncheon, or presenting a new product concept to your boss. Or it could be as simple as you driving home in your car. Skills are extremely important to your activity but so is your concentration and focus.

Maybe a cell phone rings during your speech, or negative self-thoughts begin as you pitch your idea to your boss. Are you able to ignore these distractions and fluently continue on with your message?

Errors in execution are often caused by a lack of skill in novice performers. But these same mistakes are attributed to distractions and a lack of focus in the more skilled executants. Focus is often referred to as your level of concentration and your attention span. Concentration (attention control) is your ability to direct your attention on a particular subject, problem, or activity. Whereas, attention span is the length of time you can concentrate on a particular activity.

So how do you block out distractions and stay focused on the task at hand? In the end, it comes down to being disciplined in your thoughts and actions. With disciplined thought, you need to understand what types of tasks are needed to be performed and also understand when you are beginning to become distracted.   When the mind starts to wander, or an external cue begins to interrupt, you need to have the discipline to block out these distractions and return to complete focus on your activity.

As distractions creep into your focus, you need to develop a strategy for refocusing your attention. Two effective strategies for staying in the moment and returning to complete focus include re-grouping or refocusing. Regrouping occurs when you change your strategies and adjust to the current situation. This could include changing strategies, or problem solving, when the projector goes out and you can’t deliver your PowerPoint presentation. Refocus occurs when you realize that you have lost your attention and distractions have arisen. You need to recognize this loss of focus and refocus by placing your attention on the task at hand.

So what type of activities do you need to expertly perform and execute? Do you have strategies that will help you to re-group or refocus? Remember that while skills are critically important for achieving success, so is your focus. Maintaining focus is a skill that also needs to be practiced. So as you continue to improve and hone your performance and technical skills, don’t forget to also improve your ability to focus and concentration. While skills are important, so is your focus.

Remember, ultimately the success of your activity comes down to proper execution. In all you do, you will want to EXECUTE FOR SUCCESS! 


Howard Gauthier is an Associate Professor of Athletic Administration at Idaho State University.  He is a former collegiate athletic director and collegiate basketball coach.  Check out his book, Execute for Success, at


Strategies For Achieving Success

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Execute for Success shows you how to properly and effectively execute your activities so you, your team, and your organization can achieve success.  This book reveals eight elements that are necessary for the execution process.  These elements are supported through stories and scientific research from medicine, psychology, aerospace, the sports world and the business world.  Buckle your seat belt and take this fascinating ride as you learn the principles that lead to effective execution.

Only $19.99
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What Others Are Saying About the Book “Execute for Success”

If you’re feeling adrift at times, here’s something to help you navigate back on life’s course.  Howard Gauthier has penned what I think is one of the most useful and inspirational books to help guide you toward achieving personal goals.   Accomplishments in life just don’t happen.  You make them happen.  Combining research and anecdotes from sports and business, Gauthier shows how its done – and, as true as a compass needle, he points the way toward success.

–Ron Watters
Chair, National Outdoor Book Awards

A Smile Can Boost Success

By Dr. Howard Gauthier

Have you ever worked for an organization where the climate and culture was extremely negative? If you have, you probably didn’t like your job. Conversely, if you’ve ever worked for an organization with a positive climate, where the employees felt as if they mattered and were encouraged to achieve, you’ve probably enjoyed your job and worked hard to produce quality results.

A climate within an organization is the employee’s perception of what it feels like to work at that particular company. When employees perceive that they are valued, and are important to the success of the organization, they become more engaged in the company.   The employees in this positive work environment become motivated to work hard to help the organization succeed.

By contrast, in organizations with a negative environment, the employees are afraid to make a mistake and they become less productive. They don’t go the extra mile for the company. The employee clocks in at the exact moment they’re supposed to arrive at work, and they clock out exactly when the whistle blows that signifies the end of the shift. Along the way, they work at a minimal pace and their quality of work is good enough to survive another day.

Within the last decade, there has been an intentional push for creating positive work environments. This is an outgrowth from the relatively new science of positive psychology that shows that people and organizations tend to thrive and flourish when they are positive. According to researchers, a positive organizational climate is produced when positive emotions predominate over negative emotions. Kim Cameron, in his book Positive Leadership, shares that employees with optimistic attitudes and cheerful outlooks are typical within organizations that experience a positive climate. Whereas, employees in organizations with negative environments tend to experience stress, anxiety, and/or distrust.

When a company has a positive organizational climate, the employees are more motivated to produce which leads to a more efficient and effective organization. This translates into more satisfied customers, happier employees, less employee turnover, increased sales, and increased profits. This leads me to my point. If you want to create a positive work environment, and become more successful, you need to have a positive disposition. This positive attitude, in turn, rubs off onto others and will help them to become more positive and successful. And this positive disposition can begin with an action as simple as a smile.

When you smile at someone you produce your own positive emotions and feelings of happiness, and these emotions rub off on the other person. You see our brains are equipped with “mirror neurons”.   Mirror neurons are activated in our brain both when we experience an action and when we observe that same action being performed by somebody else. In other words, when you smile at another person, you both experience the euphoric emotion that leads to the feeling of happiness. These positive emotions are one step closer to creating a positive work environment. And researchers have shown that a positive organizational climate leads to greater employee engagement, satisfaction and organizational success.  So if you want to enhance your personal success, or the success of an organization, just keep on smiling!


Howard Gauthier is an Associate Professor of Athletic Administration at Idaho State University.  He is a former collegiate athletic director and collegiate basketball coach.  Check out his book, Execute for Success, at


Create a Positive Organizational Climate and Achieve Outstanding Success

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Execute for Success shows you how to properly and effectively execute your activities so you, your team, and your organization can achieve success.  This book reveals eight elements that are necessary for the execution process.  These elements are supported through stories and scientific research from medicine, psychology, aerospace, the sports world and the business world.  Buckle your seat belt and take this fascinating ride as you learn the principles that lead to effective execution.

Only $19.99
Click Here to Purchase


What Others Are Saying About the Book “Execute for Success”

“Howard provides insight into the steps that are necessary for any organization to properly execute, reduce mistakes, and achieve results.”

–Greg Gonet,
   Production Manager,
   Polar Semiconductor